Friday, December 30, 2011

Thanks to the Weather Gods!

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Valkyrie Garden area
5 years ago on the 29th December 2006 my Brother Dennis died suddenly and we lost not only a dearly loved member of our Family, but a devoted Husband, Father and Grandfather. As each year passes we collectively enjoy reminiscing about his life with us and the happy memories he left us with. The Auckland Domain is a fantastic "Jewel in the Crown" of the parks and gardens in Auckland and are a must visit for those who appreciate mother natures wonderful offerings

Auckland Domain Scene
As it was the 5th Anniversary this past Thursday, Lyn and I decided to join with Family and visit his seat of Remembrance, which is located near the Valkyrie Fountain in the Auckland Domain, for a picnic morning tea. Dennis and I grew up in Parnell and the Domain was our playground, so his immediate family had the brilliant idea of a memorial plaque in his honour, situated in the Domain environs. It is a really beautiful area and over the past 69 years of my life, I have treasured the memories of our childhood in this location.

Family Gathering
In the days preceding our departure the weather forecast was not very promising and heavy rain warnings had been broadcast for Thursday through to New Years Eve on Sunday. We checked the plants and garden at home, shifted the animals to a new feeding patch and loaded up the car with wet weather gear. We set off early from Waipu and although it was showering lightly, the temperature was quite warm and as we drove down the main highway, the weather actually started to clear. Once we arrived at the Domain, the sky turned grey and the wind rose, but still no rain!

The various families arrived and as it was a work-day, it consisted of mainly Mothers & children. Maureen produced plates of goodies to eat and we enjoyed catching up with family news and enjoyed the sight of children excitedly playing around the grassed area adjacent to the Valkyrie Fountain. The gardens are immaculate as always and there was a very pleasant gardener planting new arrangements as the children ran around him. Unfortunately the fountain area was roped off as there was a split in the concrete and the water had drained away. Apparently in the new "Super City Structure" there were no funds left to repair this iconic Auckland Memorial and I will be adding to the list of Council emails received about this state of affairs. It appears the Council can find immediate funding for Rugby World Cup events, but not to repair a structure that locals and tourists have enjoyed for decades!

Bubble Blowing Extravaganza!
Then it was time for the bubble blowing to commence and I must admit I had forgotten how much fun can be had with a wand and a small container of bubble liquid. Hoots of laughter and 1000s of bubbles later, we decided to take some group photos. STILL NO RAIN!

I had spoken to the gardener earlier when he enquired why we were gathered close to where he was working. He wanted to water the newly planted flowers, but didn't want to intrude on our gathering , but as it turned out the underground system didn't affect us at all. So far this was the only wet area I had seen!

Attack of the Bubble Blowers!
As we arranged everyone for the photo shoot, we realized we needed an adult camera person, so we decided that the only option was to further ruin the gardeners lunchtime and ask him
to supervise the cameras that were thrust into his hand
This very obliging young Asian man did a wonderful job and we are most grateful to him for his assistance (and we told him so)

It was time for us to head off to Kelly and Craig's for lunch and in the time honoured tradition, we said our goodbyes to the Families and wished them well for 2012. By this stage the wind had increased somewhat and this made any video filming noisy, but there was no sign of rain. In fact we didn't strike any rain until we were 1/2 hour from home on the return journey, when it struck with a vengeance as we reached Kaiwaka and the Brynderwyns. 
One day later it is still raining!

I could say it was the "Luck of the Irish" or perhaps the "Weather Gods" were on our side, but we were grateful to be able to hold a Family gathering without raincoats or umbrellas. Thanks!

A personal favourite dedication (slightly altered) to my Brother Dennis O'Brien
 b.21st Sept 1937 d.29th Dec 2006

"All for one and one for all, my BROTHER and my friend. What fun we had, the times we shared ...BROTHERS til' the end."

1 comment:

  1. sorry I missed out the distance is a bit far sometimes.


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