Friday, January 13, 2012

Gardening Resolutions or Business Revolutions?

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Fuschias Galore
Our Waipu welcome to 2012 was very cloudy, wet and extremely humid and we now know that December 2011 was the wettest December in Northland since records began. While it was great for our veggie garden, it put a damper on outdoor activities. The garden is flourishing and vegetables and flower plants are all looking healthy and strong. Our garlic, squash and pumpkins will have to wait until the sun appears more often before we dig them up and our second crop of potatoes will need more time. The early crop of Jersey Bennes is now under cover and the flavour is delicious. We noticed a news item on TV where the Jersey Bennes in nice little boxes in the supermarket were selling at an astronomical price and I took much pleasure in lifting the lid on the potato box, just to stare at our golden treasure therein. My Scottish genes were also treasuring the moment!

No Martha, we aren't growing gumboots!

We had some fun with Liffy the Owner of Glencairn our local garden centre in Waipu. Some months ago we were buying a few plants for my pots on our deck and I noticed a punnet of onions that had almost died off in the heat. She jokingly gave them to me and I said I would do what I could with them (well they were FREE!) I have just dug up three of the biggest onions I have ever grown in my life! They are huge and the best thing of all, is that when they are gently fried in a pan and served with fresh beans and potatoes from the garden, they tasted just fantastic. I have just bought another punnet from Liffy and we will see what we can do even though we have another 9 giants to go! Although the weather experts tell us this wet weather is here to stay until March, I hope there will be enough sun to ripen our tomato crop. The tomatoes grown in a greenhouse, just haven't got the flavour and even the dearest selection in the supermarket at the moment have no taste and don't have any keeping qualities whatsoever. (Yes, that's my rant this time)

We won't be haymaking at all this Summer, as we have some hay stored in the shed and the paddocks are lush with growth. Following three years of drought, this is a wonderful situation to be in and takes some of the stress off the heifers as they continue to flourish. Not so nice for all our Camping grounds in Bream Bay and we have noticed more traffic on the highway heading South, rather than North, which usually means folk are going home earlier. It is a shame really as many small businesses in Northland rely on the Summer holiday trade to help them though the quieter months. 
More LARGE Onions

The Annual  Caledonian Games were held on the 2nd on January (they don't hold them on the traditional 1st January owing to old Church beliefs) and as usual, this was the only rain free day in the week. When I was Sec/Admin for the Society, I used to joke that they had a direct line, but intelligent folk always agreed it was the "Luck of the Irish" Lyn and I offered our services in the office, just to get everything off to a good start as both the new Secretary and the relief Treasurer had not been to the Games before, but we felt like fish out of water and not really required as both ladies seemed to be under control and we came home early to start on the latest publication of the Trader.

Not sure what this year will bring and we have been sad to see many local Trades and Services either close or move out of the area, some even to Australia. The Australian experience may not be all that it is cracked up to be though and I am sure many will return. The situation in Christchurch has affected the business sector as well and we will all just have to tighten our belts even further. This will NOT stop any holiday plans to the South Island and perhaps a quick visit to visit our family in Queensland.

1 comment:

  1. Well I will swop you for some wonderful silver beet and lettuces. I am so proud of how well they have managed even with Tilly the pig and Lady the horse checking them out daily... sounds like magic up there in the North hope you don't get too waterlogged again.


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