Saturday, November 26, 2011

A recovering Pirate and cut grass

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Tall grass indeed.
This grass is ready to bale!
Woopee! Yesterday we had the grass cut and hopefully it will be baled later today and transported to it's new owner. The contractor arrived and although his gear was large, we managed to get it through the gates. I can't believe how thick the grass was and it will be interesting to see how many bales we get off the farm.Silage making has become quite an art in recent years and as we couldn't make convential bales owing to the cooler weather, this has been a new experience for us. The hardest part has been tring to find enough space to leave for the 11 heifers, who although still small, can consume quite a bit of grass in a day. Setting up a portable water trough is also difficult, but thanks to the bathroom renovation last year, we have a good size, c1947 bath, complete with plug, that suits the purpose. Lyn and can manhandle it on the tractor and we can fill it from a number of taps around the property.

A tight squeeze

Our "Pirate"

#43 AKA The Pirate has recovered well  and her wounds are healing nicely. Her eye socket has sunken, but she is adapting well and looks healthy and we don't appear to have any more symptoms of "pink eye" in any of the other animals.Thank goodness!

Now that Spring is nearly finished  and we head into    Summer, the blossoms are nearly finished and the fruit is all set to grow and ripen in the sun.We are still enduring very strong winds and some showers, but the outlook for Northern New Zealand is for a return to quite dry conditions and much calmer weather. let's hope so!
Our flowering cherry.

1 comment:

  1. Did you realise that clicking on the photos will enlarge the picture?


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