Sunday, November 13, 2011

Not a Very Happy DAY!

Print Friendly and PDF Today was not a happy day! We went to move the heifers to a new feed patch and I thought one of the animals was lying on the grass soaking up the sun. As I climbed through the fence, the 8 other heifers ran off, but the animal on the ground didn't move. As I got closer I realised that she was dead! As she was one of the healthier looking animals I couldn't believe what I was seeing. To compound this miserable morning I have found another heifer with a leaking eye that looks as if the pupil has been damaged or she has picked up an infection. In twenty years, with hundreds of animals we have only had one major problem in the past. A newly arrived animal was delivered suffering from meningitis and had to be put down. Now we have had three major issues in the past year!

I have left a message for Kelly our local Vet to call tomorrow before we get a digger in to bury our latest disaster. I will be hoping that there are no more problems waiting round the corner! One piece of good news is that #43 (aka The Pirate) has improved out of sight. (pardon the pun) She seems to be coping with being blind in one eye and is getting around the paddock as if nothing had happened.

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